Before I go further with the journey of my ‘forever home’, let me show you the unique eclectic style that made this home so special. It is the union of styles to create a delicious home.

Welcome! Remember when you sell a property you only get 90 seconds before a buyer has made a decision as to what they think about your property, so there’s no second chances, your entrance matters!!
At the time of building this house I was working as an International Flight Attendant so my shopping selections were bountiful and let me tell you I took my part time role as international shopper very seriously.
Notice the beautiful marble tile in the middle of the entrance, well I managed to secure 2 of those for a bargain price of 224 Hong Kong dollars which equals that grand total of $40 bucks a tile. So you’ll completely understand when the Lovely Lady in the tile shop in Hong Kong told me ‘no more tiles’ combined with the fatigue of spending 10 hours in a tin tube flying overnight from Melbourne that I burst into sobs. Much was the poor shop keepers confusion at my behaviour, hence she could not get me out of her shop fast enough. So I redesigned the entrance to accommodate only 2 of these gorgeous tiles, and I loved the result. Being flexible in your design plans is paramount especially when supplies run out!!!!!